WAEC Biology Specimen 2023

WAEC Biology Specimen 2023.

Group 1 (For all candidates)
Specimen A – Mature fresh eggs of a catfish 
Specimen B – Fresh egg of a domestic fowl (raw, with shell intact)
Specimen C – Picture/model/chart of uterus  containing a foetus
Specimen D – Longitudinal section of ovary of Pride of Barbados flower
Specimen E – Leaf of Pride of Barbados flower 
Specimen F – Panicum plant/Guinea grass (whole plant)
Specimen G – Cocoyam plant/Caladium plant (whole plant)

Specimen H: Corm of cocoyam 
Specimen J: Dry humus in a beaker 
Specimen K: Moist humus in a beaker
Specimen L: Ripe orange fruit (whole)

Specimen M: Longitudinal section of coconut fruit

Specimen N: Longitudinal section of a fresh chilly pepper fruit

It is essential that each candidate should be provided with the following materials;

(i) glass jar cover/petri dish
(ii) white tiles
(iii) beaker
(iv) a hand lens/magnifying lens
(v) scalpel/razor blade/ knife
(vi) a pair of forceps
(vii) iodine solutions.

NB: (i) All specimens can be provided as group specimens for five (5) to ten (10) candidates.
(ii) All specimens in each of the groups must carry individual labels (e.g A, B, C, D, E, F, and G in Group I)

WAEC Biology Practical Questions Answers 2023.

Paper 3 (Practical)
Answer ONLY … questions.
Write your answers in the spaces provided.

Question 1: Study specimens A, B, C, and D and use them to answer the questions that follow.
(a) (i) Name the phylum to which specimen D belongs.
(ii) Name the habitat of specimen D
(iii) Name the type of reproduction common to specimens D.
(b) (i) 
(c) State three observable similarities between specimens C and D.

Question 2: Study specimens G and H and answer questions 2(a) to 2(f).
(a) (i) Name the floral parts of specimen H.
(ii) Indicate the number of floral parts in each whorl of specimen H.
(b)(i) Name the sex of specimen H.
(ii) Give one reason for the answer in 2(b)(i)
(c) (i) What is the symmetry of specimen H?
(ii) Give one reason for the answer in 2(c)(i)
(d) Name one pollinating agent of each of specimens G and H.
(e) State four observable differences between specimens G and H.
(f) Make a drawing 8 cm – 10 cm long of the longitudinal section of specimen H and label fully.

Question 3: Study specimens E, F, and J carefully and use them to answer questions 3(a) to 3(d).
(a) Classify specimens E, F, and J according to the following criteria:
(i) agricultural classification;
(ii) life cycle.
(b) State two ways in which specimen J is important to human nutrition.
(c) With a scalpel or knife, make a cross-section of specimen E.
(i) What type of placentation is observed in the cut section of specimen E?
(ii) Name one example of a fruit with similar placentation as observed in the cut section of specimen E.
(iii) Make a drawing 10 cm – 12 cm long of the transverse section and label fully.
(d) Make a transverse section of specimen F and state:
(i) three observable differences;
(ii) three observable similarities between the transverse sections of specimens E and F.

Question 4: Study specimens P, Q, R, and S carefully and use them to answer questions 4(a) to 4(d).
(a) (i) 

waec biology practical specimen 2020

The details of the WAEC Biology practical drawings and answers will be made available to you candidates as soon as it is released. Keep following this page and make sure you bookmark this site for reference purposes.

If you have any questions, endeavour to use the comment box below…

NOTE: That there is nothing like Waec Biology expo 2023 online. The questions here are from waec biology past question papers and for revision purposes only. Do not be deceived by fraudsters posing with fake Waec biology answers on the internet.
